Saturday, October 25, 2014

How to Install Netbeans IDE 8.01 on Ubuntu

After a long while with Netbeans IDE 7.4, I decided upgrade to new released version of Netbeans IDE 8.0.1.  Here I give some recommended steps before install IDE 8.0.1 on your Ubuntu Linux OS. 

1. Uninstall previous version of Netbeans: Your default "" file in the /home/userName/Netbeans7.x.x folder is doing this job. 

2. Update your JRE and JDK: Before update, enter "java -version" into terminal to check your current version of JAVA.

3. To install OpenJDK 7, execute the following command:
sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jre 
This will install the Java Runtime Environment (JRE). 
4. If you instead need the Java Development Kit (JDK), execute the following command:
sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jdk
5. Run "" through the terminal.